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Open positions

Assistant Engineer in Digital Critical Editions

Project description: The general objective of the project is to design and implement an interface, suitable for use by the entire scientific community, allowing the publication of digital critical editions of ancient texts. The specific objective is to test the feasibility of this approach by producing a digital critical edition of the Latin historian Granius Licinianus (2nd century AD). The surviving fragments, dating from 163-78 BC, were preserved in a manuscript that was discovered in 1853 and survives as a double palimpsest. Since the editio princeps (1857), the text has been the subject of several attempts of conjectural additions. A digital edition will propose a text closest to the original and will make explicit the process leading to it. It will be able to take advantage of a new reading of the manuscript, kept at the British Library, London, thanks to multispectral imaging, in order to decipher the lower text of the palimpsest. The work will provide a commentary that takes into account historical interpretations and uses (national, regional, institutional...) to which this text has given rise.

The assistant engineer's main tasks will be to:

-        Transcribe, encode and annotate in XML/TEI the commentaries on the Granius text written by the project's philologists, in close collaboration with the IT engineers.

-        Test, correct and validate the digital edition in the publishing toolbox (based on TEI Publisher) with the other members of the project (philologists and IT engineers).

Principal supervisors: Olivier Devillers and Nathalie Prévôt


  • a letter of motivation (2 pages max., specifically focusing on defending the profile required for this position)
  • a CV (including list of publications, if applicable)

Place of work: Ausonius, UMR 5607, 8 esplanade des Antilles, 33600 Pessac, France

Contract duration: 9 months

Expected starting date: November 1st 2024

Deadline for application: before 11:59pm on August 23rd 2024

Call for application Digital Critical Editions (FR&EN)

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Assistant Engineer in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence

Project description: The general objective of the project is to design and implement an interface, suitable for use by the entire scientific community, allowing the image recognition of ancient coins. The candidate who will be recruited will be in charge of developing an automated system for identifying the first coins of the ancient world (600 to 50 BCE) from a region of western Asia Minor called Caria. This system will use artificial intelligence (Convolutional Neural Networks) and will combine both image recognition techniques and physical data of the currencies (metal, weight, diameter). The Machine Learning process will be based on data sets that are immediately available within the Historia Numorum Online (HNO) project, whose online database ( brings together some 9,000 coins which illustrate nearly 3000 monetary types of Caria. The objective is to develop an interface usable in free access on the HNO platform and which will make it possible
to identify each monetary type listed for Caria. Users will be able to upload images and physical data (metal, weight, diameter) of the coin they wish to identify from the HNO site, and the automatic identification system will analyze to deliver one or more results (if a unique identification is not possible).

The engineer's main tasks will be to:
- design and create the image recognition application relying on artificial intelligence,
- contribute to the development and promotion of the interface tool to the French and international community,
- provide technical documentation and skills transmission.

Principal supervisor: Koray Konuk


  • a letter of motivation (2 pages max., specifically focusing on defending the profile required for this position)
  • a CV (including list of publications, if applicable)

Place of work: Ausonius, UMR 5607, 8 esplanade des Antilles, 33600 Pessac, France

Contract duration: 4 months

Expected starting date: November 1st 2024, or later

Deadline for application: before 11:59pm on July 31st 2024

Call for application Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence (FR&EN)

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Assistant Engineer in Geomatic Support of Archaeological Research

Project description: This 4-month assistant engineer post is being offered as part of the GPR's work package 7, ‘How and why do new cultural traits appear, spread and disappear? The aim of the contract is to develop and finalise an open database on the first coins of temperate Europe. The post holder will be responsible for developing and populating a database in MySQL format in collaboration with all the project partners. The mission will also include: finalising the ‘coins in Gaul’ thesaurus (hierarchisation of the set of concepts for the 4,000 types already recorded to produce a clean, structured tree structure); integrating new types that are missing from the reference catalogue database; aligning with international ontologies; integrating images for each type, in particular via ARK links (international online collections) and cross-references to images stored on Nakala.
The incumbent will be in regular contact with E. Hiriart (head of the Action) and K. Gruel (EnS Paris), and will be expected to take part in weekly meetings.

Principal supervisors: Eneko Hiriart and Katherine Gruel


  • a letter of motivation (2 pages max., specifically focusing on defending the profile required for this position)
  • a CV (including list of publications, if applicable)

Place of work: Ausonius, UMR 5607, 8 esplanade des Antilles, 33600 Pessac, France

Contract duration: 4 months

Expected starting date: November 1st 2024, or later

Deadline for application: before 11:59pm on July 31st 2024

Call for application Geomatic Support (FR&EN)

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Project Engineer in Paleoanthropology and taphonomy

Project description: The project consists of updating a database (created by the supervisor and containing more than 260 records, 15 fields per record) on various aspects (geological, geographical, topographical, chronological, cultural, site function, palaeoanthropological, administrative, bibliographical, etc.) characterizing Pleistocene Eurasian sites that have yielded human remains (chronologically, prior to the Upper Palaeolithic), and only these sites. The updating of the database will focus on sites that allow us to study (i) the settlement history of the Neanderthal lineage and (ii) traces of anthropic origins on human remains (secondary funerary gestures, cannibalism, etc.) as well as (iii) primary burials. This project is therefore part of Action 2 of Workpackage 4.

Principal supervisor: Bruno Maureille


  • a letter of motivation (2 pages max., specifically focusing on defending the profile required for this position)
  • a CV (including list of publications, if applicable)

Place of work: UMR5199 PACEA

Contract duration: 12 months

Expected starting date: November 1st 2024

Deadline for application: before 11:59pm on July 31st 2024

Call for application Paleoanthropology and taphonomy (FR&EN)

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