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Lisa Richelmi


PhD Fellowship in Archaeoentomology

University of Bordeaux
Bât B2
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CS 50023
33615 PESSAC Cedex

GPR Human Past - WP2 Action 1

Research Interests

I study archaeoentomology, i.e. the remains of insects and other arthropods found in archaeological contexts. Their taxonomic identification and research on their biology provide paleoenvironmental and paleoethnographic data. Thus, I participate in the reconstitution of the lifestyles of past societies (e.g. funerary and agricultural practices), ancient environments, and the interactions between the two.

Within the framework of my participation in the GPR Human Past, I will more specifically contribute to the reconstruction of the local paleoenvironment and show the impact of anthropisation on local insect biodiversity. Particular attention will be paid to the Neolithic transition, which constitutes a turning point in the history of human societies. The development of agriculture and animal husbandry, the management of animals and food resources, the exploitation of salt, and the evolution of the local paleoenvironment due to human activities will be addressed.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

October 2022

PhD  “Bugs beneath the sand: reconstruction of anthropic activities and paleoenvironments of the Aquitaine coastline via the archaeoentomological approach, from the Neolithic to Antiquity (L'Amélie, Soulac / mer,Gironde), PACEA – GPR Human Past. Supervisors: Jean-Bernard Huchet and Florence Verdin



Master’s degree in Bio-geosciences (specialisation Archaeothanatology) - University of Bordeaux


Master’s degree in Social and cultural Anthropology - University of Bordeaux


Licence's degree in Law, Economics and Management (specialisation Political Science) - University of Bordeaux

Professional Work Experience

Field Laboratory

April 2022 - May 2022                  

Archaeological Research Engineer - PACEA

 March 2022 - April 2022              

Archaeological Research Engineer - Ausonius

March 2021 - November 2021     

Archaeological Research Engineer - PACEA

July 2021                                      

Archaeological Research Engineer - PACEA

 April 2021                                    

Archaeological Research Engineer - CEA Grenoble

Jan 2020 - Sept 2020   

Intern -  PACEA

Archaeological Fieldwork Experience

  • Dune du Pilat (October 2021), director : Florence Verdin (Ausonius)
  • Plage de l’Amélie, Soulac-sur-Mer (March 2022), director : Florence Verdin (Ausonius)
  •  Chantier école du Master Bio-géosciences, nécropole de Geloux Pouyet (May and June 2019), director : Stéphane Rottier (PACEA)

Technical Skills

Use of various software (Microsoft Office tools, Photoshop, QGIS), excavations on a variety of terrains (various substrates, in the laboratory, on the foreshore), use of microscopy and image acquisition equipment.  Taxonomic identification of arthropods (recent or archaeological), dissection and preparation for collection of actual specimens caught during field trips.