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Luc Doyon


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bone technology

University of Bordeaux
Bât B2
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire CS 50023
33615 PESSAC Cedex

GPR Human Past - WP3 Action 4

Research Interests

I specialize in the study of osseous technology unearthed from Pleistocene contexts in the Old World. My research documents how these technologies were integrated in past cultural adaptive systems and how they interacted with other components of material culture. I am particularly interested to highlighting how this proxy can inform us on cultural evolution dynamics in general, and on the social and technological organization of hunter-gatherer populations in particular. Methodologically, I combine technological analysis and experimental archaeology with various imaging methods and microscopic analyses (multifocus, confocal, SEM, µCT-scan), as well as chemical characterization of micro-residues analysis, multivariate and spatial analyses.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

June 2022

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Bone technology, PACEA - GPR Human Past. Supervisor: Francesco d'Errico



PhD in Anthropology - University of Montreal


PhD in Prehistory - University of Bordeaux


Master Sciences in Anthropology - University of Montreal

Professional Work Experience

Archaeological Field Experience

Abri Tourtoirac, Tourtoirac (24) (May and June 2021-2022). Director: Luc Doyon (PACEA and Institute of Cultural Heritage, Shandong University)

Technical Skills

Technological and use wear analysis

Geometric Morphometrics

Network analysis

Quantitative methods in Archaeology


Doyon, Luc, Zhanyang Li, Hua Wang, Lila Geis, and Francesco d’Errico. “A 115,000-Year-Old Expedient Bone Technology at Lingjing, Henan, China.” PLOS ONE 16, no. 5 (May 6, 2021): e0250156.

Ma, Shuwen, and Luc Doyon. “Animals for Tools: The Origin and Development of Bone Technologies in China.” Frontiers in Earth Science - Paleontology 9 (2021): 784313.

Zhang, Yue, Luc Doyon, Xing Gao, Fuyou Chen, Huimin Wang, and Shuangquan Zhang. “Birds and Prehistoric Humans in North China: A Taphonomic Analysis of the Avian Assemblage from Shuidonggou Locality 12.” Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14, no. 8 (July 27, 2022): 157.

Yin Ruixue, Luan Fengshi, and Luc Doyon. “Changes and consistencies in bone technologies as a sign of cultural transition about 4,000 years ago in Eastern China: Insights from the Yinjiacheng site, Shandong, China.” Asian Perspectives: The Journal of Archaeology for Asia and the Pacific, accepted.