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Maxime Constant


Software Engineer

GPR Human Past – WP 05-Action 02

Research Interests

I am a proficient software engineer specializing in the realm of 3D/2D imaging.

I am presently engaged in the development of the SIR3D app, a project initiated by my supervisor, Bruno Dutailly. It is a tool to store, link, cross-query and display heterogeneous data around full 3D digital models of
a Cultural Heritage artifact or site.

I am actively enhancing the app by integrating new functionalities to ensure it becomes the best tool for scientists. Leveraging the powerful Unity engine, I am diligently crafting both a seamless app and a complementary website to provide a comprehensive and cutting-edge experience for users in the field of archaeology.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

November 2023  Software Engineer

                         Archeovision – GPR Human Past

                         Supervisor : Bruno Dutailly


2021-2023    Master’s degree in Computer Science for imaging and sound

                       University of  Bordeaux, France

 2016-2020   Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

                       University of  Bordeaux, France with University of Laval, Canada

Professional Work Experience

Field Laboratory

Apr – Sep 2023  IT Developer Intern


Technical Skills

Developer in C#, C++, Python, Javascript., HTML, CSS, LaTeX

Software knowledge in Unity, GitHub/Gitlab, PostgreSQL database, Postman