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Raphaël Hanon


Postdoctoral Fellowship in Taphonomy and zooarcheology

GPR Human Past – WP2-A2

Research Interests

I am a zooarchaeologist and taphonomist working especially on Lower Palaeolithic hominin subsistence behaviours from Southern Africa. My research interests are mostly focused on the origin of meat-eating and hunting in human evolution through the study of butchery-related damage on bones as well as the early use of hard animal tissues as tools. I am also studying the evolution of large herbivores, mostly bovids, in Africa. I am conducting archaeological, ethnological and palaeontological fieldworks in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Angola and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

October 2024  Postdoctoral researcher

                           PACEA – GPR Human Past

                           Supervisor: Antoine Souron


2016-2019       PhD in Prehistory

                          Natural History Museum, Paris

2014-2016       Master’s degree in Quaternary and Prehistory

                          Natural History Museum, Paris

 2011-2014     B.A. Art History and Archaeology, Major Archaeology, University Paris, Panthéon-Sorbone

Professional Work Experience

Field Laboratory

2021-2024   Postdoctoral researcher

                      Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa

Archaeological Fieldwork Experience

  • Motsetse (February 2024)

Directors : Raphaël Hanon (Univ. Witwatersrand) and Dominic Stratford (Univ. Witwatersrand)

  • HOPE.Z (2022-2023)

Directors : Raphaël Hanon (Univ. Witwatersrand) and Sandrine Prat (CNRS)

  • Mission Préhistorique Franco-Angolaise (2022-2024)

Directors : Isis Mesfin (CNRS) and Maria Helena Benjamin (Museu Nacional de Arqueologia de Benguela)

  • Bo(ne)Tswana (June 2022)

Directors : Raphaël Hanon (Univ. Witwatersrand) and Malebogo Mvimi (Univ. Witwatersrand)

  •  Langebaanweg (November 2021)

Directors : Brigette Cohen (National Museum of Bloemfontein)

  •  Kromdraai (2017-2023)

Directors : José Braga (University Paul Sabatier III, Toulouse) and Bernhard Zipfel (Univ. Witwatersrand).

  •  Gondolin (August 2015)

Directors: Job Kibii (Univ. Witwatersrand)

  •  Bouqueval (2021)

Director: Elisabeth Tribouillard (SDAVO).

  • Aubin (Mai 2013)

Director: Christophe Saint-Pierre (Service Départemental de l’Archéologie de l’Aveyron).

  •  Granède (2012-2013)

Directors: Christophe Saint-Pierre (Service Départemental de l’Archéologie de l’Aveyron).

Technical Skills

Training in R, SEM and Confocal microscope

Experimental Archaeology


Hanon, R., S. Péan, and S. Prat. ‘Reassessment of Anthropic Modifications on the Early Pleistocene Hominin Specimen Stw53 (Sterkfontein, South Africa)’. Bulletins et Mémoires de La Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, vol. 30, no. 1–2, Apr. 2018, pp. 49–58. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Jean-Baptiste Fourvel, and Christine Steininger. ‘Carnivores and Hominins Contributions to the Early Pleistocene Bone Accumulation of Cooper’s D, South Africa’. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 291, Sept. 2022, p. 107660. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Marylène Patou-Mathis, Stephane Péan, et al. ‘Early Pleistocene Hominin Subsistence Behaviors in South Africa: Evidence from the Hominin-Bearing Deposit of Cooper’s D (Bloubank Valley, South Africa)’. Journal of Human Evolution, vol. 162, Jan. 2022, p. 103116. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Stéphane Péan, Marylène Patou-Mathis, et al. ‘Fossil Bovidae from the Hominini-Bearing Site of Cooper’s D (Bloubank Valley, South Africa): Implications for Paranthropus Robustus Broom, 1938 and Early Homo Linnaeus, 1758 Habitat Preferences’. Comptes Rendus Palevol, no. 21, May 2022. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Francesco d’Errico, Lucinda Backwell, et al. ‘New Evidence of Bone Tool Use by Early Pleistocene Hominins from Cooper’s D, Bloubank Valley, South Africa’. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 39, Oct. 2021, p. 103129. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Jean-Baptiste Fourvel, Recognise Sambo, et al. ‘New Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from Kromdraai Unit P, South Africa and Their Implication for Biochronology and Hominin Palaeoecology’. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 331, May 2024, p. 108621. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, Marylène Patou‑Mathis, Stéphane Péan, et al. ‘Paleobiodiversity and Large Mammal Associations during the Late Pliocene and the Early Pleistocene in South Africa’. Quaternaire, no. vol. 30/3, Sept. 2019, pp. 243–56. (Crossref),

Hanon, Raphaël, and Christine Steininger. ‘Fossil Bovidae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) from Southern Africa: Biochronology and Palaeoenvironments’. Quaternary Environments and Humans, vol. 2, no. 3, June 2024, p. 100010. (Crossref),

Linchamps, Pierre, Emmanuelle Stoetzel, François Robinet, et al. ‘Bioclimatic Inference Based on Mammal Community Using Machine Learning Regression Models: Perspectives for Paleoecological Studies’. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 11, June 2023, p. 1178379. (Crossref),

Linchamps, Pierre, Emmanuelle Stoetzel, Raphaël Cornette, et al. ‘Fossil Micromammals and the Palaeoenvironments of the Paranthropus Robustus Site of Cooper’s Cave’. Historical Biology, Apr. 2023, pp. 1–16. (Crossref),

Linchamps, Pierre, Emmanuelle Stoetzel, Raphaël Hanon, et al. ‘Neotaphonomic Study of Two Tyto Alba Assemblages from Botswana: Palaeoecological Implications’. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, vol. 38, Aug. 2021, p. 103085. (Crossref),