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Tiffanie Fourcade


Research Engineer in Geochronology & Environment

Archéosciences Bordeaux
Maison de l'archéologie
Université Bordeaux Montaigne
F-33607 Pessac cedex

GPR Human Past - WP 2 Action 1

Research Interests

My main interest lies in the interaction between past environmental, climatic and cultural changes of hunter-gatherers in France at the end of the Middle and at the beginning of Upper Paleolithic. Using deep-sea cores, I study the evolution of the vegetation, the climatic variability from pollen grains, preserved with sediments. I am improving the chronology of these environmental and climatic changes by performing one luminescence dating technic on marine sedimentary cores and by the development of age models using Bayesian statistics for pollen and archaeological records. For the latter, the chronology of cultural changes is based on bibliographic work to update archaeological databases in order to be integrated into a Bayesian chronological model.

My current research in the GPR focuses on the reconstruction of past vegetation and climatic changes for the last 30,000 years in northwestern Mediterranean Sea. This new record, in comparison with human evolution data, will allow us to test the possible impact of environmental or climatic changes on prehistoric societies.

Curriculum Vitae

Current Position

October 2022

Research Engineer in Geochronology and Environment , Archéosciences Bordeaux – GPR Human Past. EPOC,Supervisors : Christelle Lahaye & Maria Fernanda Sánchez-Goñi



PhD in Archaeological Sciences: "Cultural changes and adaptattion to climatic and environmental changes of the last Neanderthals in southern France" - University Bordeaux Montaigne


Master’s degree in Archaeology, Sciences for Archaeology  - University Bordeaux Montaigne


Bachelor’s degree in Art History and Archaeology (spec. Archaeometry) - University Bordeaux Montaigne

Professional Work Experience

Field Laboratory


PhD Student - Archéosciences Bordeaux (UMR 6034 CNRS / Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne) and EPOC (UMR 5805)

January-June 2018

Research Trainee (Chronology and Palaeoenvironmental changes during the Middle-to-Upper transition in southwesterne France). IRAMAT-CR2PA (UMR 5060 CNRS / Univ. Bordeaux Montaigne) and EPOC (UMR 5805, CNRS, University of Bordeaux INP, EPHE, University PSL)

Technical Skills

Marine palynology analysis, IRSL dating, development of Bayesian age-depth models, chronological models, RStudio.



Fourcade, Tiffanie, et al. "Environmental Changes in SW France during the Middle to Upper Paleolithic Transition from the Pollen Analysis of an Eastern North Atlantic Deep-Sea Core", Quaternary Research, vol. 110, 2022, p 147–164,

Fourcade, Tiffanie, ‘Le Pollen : Outil Pour Comprendre Les Relations Entre Les Hommes Préhistoriques et Leurs Environnements’, in Imagination et Construction Mentale. La Fabrique Du Discours Scientifique (Ausonius Éditions, 2022), p. 77–87,

Sánchez Goñi, María Fernanda, et al. "Muted Cooling and Drying of NW Mediterranean in Response to the Strongest Last Glacial North American Ice Surges", GSA Bulletin, vol. 133, n°3–4, 2021, p451–460,